Vienintelė didžiausius oro balionus Lietuvoje valdanti įmonė, galinti pasiūlyti skrydžius oro balionais didelėms grupėms (iki 32-imties žmonių) bei išskirtinę vakarienę oro balione - „Vakarienė aukščiau visko“, paruoštą AMANDUS virtuvės šefo Deivydo Praspaliausko.
Over 3000+ flying passengers per year
For more than 20 years in the Lithuanian market
Possibility to fly up to 32 passengers at a time
Flight experience on up to 4 continents
I became interested in aeronautics in 1997 while studying in Kaunas. My first flight with Valerijus Machnorylovas, a hot air balloon pilot and Boeing captain, made such a profound impression on me that afterwards I firmly decided to make hot air balloons a part of my life.
Since I was a child I have been interested in two things only: airplanes and trains. Back in 1988 I joined the youth club of hot air balloon construction. Its' leade was the legendary Leonas Simniška, the very first one in Lithuania to construct an air balloon from polyethylene sheet.
My friendship with ballooning has begun when I was only 12. The leader of ballooning club 'Audenis' invited me to measure the results at the hot air balloon championship in Birštonas. I must admit, I was not thrilled about the whole ballooning thing at first. I did not like measuring the results, so I thought that was the beginning and the end of my journey in ballooning.
My flying career started back in 1998. My very first flight was in Lithuania’s Mecca of hot air balloons, the Nemunaitis village. My future instructor Mr Gintaras Šurkus was the pilot, and a parish pastor and I were the passengers. This ascending to the heavens probably made a much greater impression on me than on the man of God. Since then I barely leave the basket.